Maximizing Human Potential



It’s A Matter Of Perspective

Reality – My Path to Discovery

What If……

Reality – Surface Complexity, Underlying Simplicity

The Fundamental Dynamic – It’s Really Quite Simple

Living The Contradiction


Overview – Reality, Mental Modes, Religion, Spirituality and Truth

Three Concepts of Reality

Two Forces in All of Reality

WHY DO WE EXIST? – The Ultimate Question

Life – WHY?


Chasing Meaning

Humans – The Struggle in Obscurity

Down – Double Down



Consciousness and Reality

Universal Consciousness??

Intuition – Intellect: The Dialectic of Human Life

Dynamic Perspectives on Reality – Societal Implications

What If…..Implications for Psi

Value of Metaphor

Language, Reality, Poetry and Art

Why Poetry?

Assessment, Greer, Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind

Most Significant Discovery

Eight Component Set on Extraterrestrials

      Extra-Terrestrials – Fantasy or Fact?

      Is There Life Beyond Planet Earth?

      Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life

      Most Significant Discovery

      Reality – My Path to Discovery

      Excerpt – Extraterrestrial Intelligence

      Reports of Efforts to Suppress Extraterrestrial Basis of UAPs, 1947 – 2007

      Selected UAP Extraterrestrial Resources

Finding Nothingness

Beyond Nothingness

Virtual Selves and Species Evolution

Life On Call




Fourteen Essay Set

      The Fundamental Human Problem – Perceptual Limitation

      Air Affair – The Matter and Energy Dynamic in Reality

      Energy – The Next Huge Realm of Discovery

      Matter, Energy, and Human Capabilities in Understanding Reality

      Energy and the Human Conception of Reality

      The Underlying Energy Basis of Reality

      The Role of Energy in Theories of Everything

      Is Human Reality an Illusion??

      Living the Illusion

      Energy, Matter, Reality, Worldview, Art and Ritual

      Human Reality and Flexibility in a Totally Integrated System

      Illusion of Free Will

      Is Is All There Is

      Reality – An Infinitely Remote Target

Infinite Web of Reality

Light, Sight, Sense and Reality

Justifying the Spiritual – Unification Perspective on Self and Reality

Time – Change

First Cause

Hold On To Change

The Right Time

Question of TIME

Importance of Sleep and Dreams for Subjective Reality

Source of Art and Entertainment

Three Essay Set

      The Fundamental Dynamic – It’s Really Quite Simple

      Energy Perspective in Science, Human Energy Fields and Medicine

      The Energy Perspective and Resistance to Change in Science

Matter, Energy, and Human Capabilities in Understanding Reality

Energy Is Reality – Reality Is Energy

Hallelujah – An End Note

      Commentary On the Energy Perspective in My Version of Hallelujah

Ethics and the Energy Perspective

Our Most Essential Human Problem

Respecting the Scale of Our Ignorance

I Don’t Know

Human Knowledge of Reality – The Big Picture

Remember the Good Ole Days…..Finding Meaning in Human Life

Reincarnation – How Spirituality Gets It Wrong

Two Essay Set

       Think About It

       Viewing Reality in Terms of Mass-Less and Mass-Based Energy

Human Energy Field and Art-Ritual in Dynamic Humanism

Three Essay Set

      Development of the Dynamic Humanism Research Perspective

      The Underlying Reason Why Western Civilization Is At Risk

      Humans – Nothing and Everything – A Matter of Perspective

Poof – Dealing with the Human Illusion of Limited Time and Scale

The Story of YOU

System Flexibility and Human Free-Will

Language and Reality – The Challenge

Seeking Utopia

Despair in Modern Life

Uncertainty’s Reign

Social Isolation – Individualism and Communication Technology


The Fallacy of Dichotomous Conceptions of Reality

Life – Start to Finish

Here and There

Waiting To Bark


Weed Identification


Parallel and Multiple Universes

Play and Creativity


To Be….Or Not….To Be – 1

To Be…Or Not…To Be – 2